Distant Dreams 10 By: Olivia Narrator: Zizih Nuttypeanutbuddy@aol.com Another child, another child, another child. The thought floated through my head again as I listened to Jake complain about Visser Three again. Well, I tried to listen. It has been two years, and I am now twenty-two years of age, Aximili twenty-eight, and Estril eighteen. Another child. I needed to stop running off in my mind and listen to Jake! I turned my main eyes to Jake, watching him pace the barn wildly, throwing his hands above his head as he dramatically complained. " Visser is ready to attack, and Eric said he's been out morph hunting, getting other morphs, dangerous morphs. We are not ready! " He chewed his lip, glancing at Cassie who was holding the year old infant Jared. He walked over to Cassie sitting on a hay bale, and slowly grabbed the child from her. He smiled as the child giggled happily and cooed. His face turned hard as got back to business. " Anyway, we are going to attack Visser in the Yeerk pool. Eric has been monitoring Visser's Yeerk's feeding times, and he usually feeds in about a day. We need to hurry and get morphs that will give us some help at all. We're going to The Gardens today to suit up. " I was tired for some reason, just tired. I felt like I would fall asleep that second, not wanting to leave the warmth of the barn. It reminded me of a summer day, flowers and… No! Listen to Jake before you look like a fool! I had not missed anything, for he was still pacing madly. Then he stopped and scanned us with his eyes. “ We leave in thirty minutes. Come back and come prepared for the snow. “ Yes, snow. Winter, humans called it when frozen water falls from the sky and lays in a small thin blanket along the ground, making it impossible for Andalites to feed. So much for a summer day. < This snow is absurd. > Aximili growled darkly, his hands running up and down his arms, shaking and carrying on. The cold made him grumpy, but Estril and I enjoyed the frigid time. I took the blue blanket that Cassie gave us that covered my shoulders and pulled it over Aximili's shoulders. I started to quiver instantly. Estril shifted the black blanket over her shoulders and smiled. < It is not so bad, Father. Just like the rain, ignore the cold and focus on the beauty. > Aximili scowled harder and invited me under the blanket with him. I stood beside him and fixed the blanket to where it covered us both. He let the blanket fall onto me, leaving him bare and cold. I sighed and noticed my internal clock. < It is almost time to leave. > Aximili nodded and started out the door, his family following him. The air was cold and sharp, stinging my lungs. I felt the strong urge to run, but my muscles felt like pure liquid. Why was I so tired? Well, one reason was obvious, but I wanted to find another possibility. Probably the air, I told myself as the barn came into view. Jake seemed worried, pacing in the barn and mumbling to himself as we entered the warm barn. Jared ended up at Cassie's mother's home across the street. Jake moved in with Cassie, then Cassie's parents moved across the street. Cassie runs the small animal clinic with Jake's spare time from his job as a doctor for humans. Marco seemed laid back, leaning against the wall on a hay bale. His home an apartment not very far from here, but it was deep in the city. He worked at a video game store, and was constantly there for the holidays. Somehow, he gained time to go along on missions, but any other free second was dedicated to the store. Rachel still lived with her mother, but was saving money for a beautiful home neighboring close to the barn. Her father also lived with them and her sisters also. Rachel was very glad that her mother forgot the divorce and let her father inside the home. Tobias lived, of course, in the woods near our home. He usually flew inside the scoop and made himself comfortable on Estril’s shoulder, but most of his time was spent in his beloved trees. Jake stopped pacing, and smiled. I guess that was the small signal for ‘ let’s go’ as everyone began to morph bird and begin our journey to The Gardens. " Hey, Cassie? Your mom still work here? " Marco walked on the low wall, his arms spread out, trying to balance on the wall. Cassie nodded and shivered, cuddling close to Jake under a brown leather coat and sweat pants. " Yeah, but she takes it easy with her back and stuff. Now she only cleans the habitats. " Marco shuddered. " I'd stay away from her after a hard day at work. P.U! " He held his nose and fell off the wall, landing on his feet. Rachel laughed. " Yeah, she probably smells like you when ever you pass gas. " Marco smiled. " Hey! Then why don't I smell anything? " Rachel cried out and pushed Marco away from her. Everyone laughed except my family, misunderstanding the humor of the joke. I sighed and wrapped my arm around Aximili's waist, nuzzling my face deep into the chest of the fleece jacket he was wearing. Aximili smiled and cuddled me closer. The Gardens was beautiful even in the winter, the ground covered in six inches of snow. Even in human morph I still felt tired, my head spinning and my thoughts swimming in my head. It was almost tempting to stay in my bird morph and ride the frigid air for hours. Jake led us with a paper map, asking if Cassie knew where the animals were. He had five animals circled, wanting us to acquire each one. Jake cleared his throat and told Marco and Rachel to stop. " Now, the first is elephant. Rachel, you already have this morph, so you can watch out for people until Ax calls. Everyone else, follow me. " Jake stepped into a long gray hallway. Many doors were marked with animal names in bright red letters and numbers. Jake stopped and let Cassie open the door. A horrid stench filled the air as we stepped in the large warm cage. A large gray animal stared at us from the farthest corner, colossal in length and weight. I stood beside Aximili and hugged him close as we demorphed along with Estril. Jake stepped up to the beast and petted it, absorbing the DNA, putting the animal in a trance, and then making everyone get in a line behind him. After Jake were Cassie, then Marco, Tobias, then me and Aximili. Aximili called for Rachel for the other morphs as we stepped out of the cage. It took us our whole day while we ran from cage to cage, acquiring many animals. We finished the day with a snack from the vending machine, M&Ms and crackers. I sat with Aximili on a clean low wall, watching him devour his M&Ms, his mouth multi-colored from the paint on the small chocolates while I ignored the jalapeno crackers at my side. I yawned and laid my head in his lap. Aximili looked down and shoved a M&M in my mouth. I smiled and chewed. What a day, I thought as my eyes closed, perfect except for the fact that I was so tired. Aximili petted my head, smiling and continued eating his M&Ms noisily. He only stopped when I snuggled close to his body and began to yawn. He smiled and chuckled. “ I think you should have stayed home if you are this tired. “ I shook my head and smiled. “ I am not an elder yet, Aximili. I am getting there. Nevertheless, I am dragging you down with me. “ He laughed and nodded, letting another M&M drop into my mouth. “ Um, how are you feeling? “ I was surprised to hear Aximili say that, but I just swallowed the chocolate in my mouth. “ I do not want to complain. Let me just say it is not pleasant. “ He nodded, shifting nervously on the wall. He was very nervous, for this was his child, and he wanted nothing to spoil this birth. I wanted to ease his discomfort. “ But everything will be okay. I guess it is just because I am tired. “ He grinned and gave me another M&M. I was so relaxed, another yawn escaping my mouth as I began to slip into a deep sleep despite the bitter cold. So peaceful, so comfortable, and there was chocolate! < Enjoying your snack? > Aximili tensed and looked around, wanting to know where the voice came from. I froze in his lap as my eyes shot open. I sat up and saw that everyone heard the voice. They all dropped their food and froze, ready to fight. Aximili started to demorph, myself following him and demorphing quickly. Jake stood up also. " Show yourself! " The voice laughed. It was like listening to thunder, dark and cruel. But it was not Visser, for it was much too deep. < Why should I listen to you? > My Andalite body froze, standing beside Aximili. Jake cried out and cursed as he was pushed to the ground and kicked in the side by an invisible force. Cassie started to help Jake, but she was picked up and thrown against the hard wall. Rachel caught Cassie's body, then was pushed to the ground and slammed into the vending machine face first. This all happened in seconds, until Tobias in human morph, Estril, Aximili, Marco and I were standing in a small circle. I heard Marco cry out and gurgle. A thick line of blood flowing out of his mouth, doubling over from a blow to the stomach. Marco fell to the ground, unconscious. Tobias started to demorph, his small bird body much safer, but his efforts were put to rest as the force blew him back, and there was a horrible crack as his neck hit the hard stone wall. I heard Aximili curse as his arms were pinned behind his back. His tail lashed out wildly, the invisible monster untouched. I could do nothing to help him, for Estril and I would pay a price for trying to save Aximili. His blade was blurred as it swung crazily. Aximili's tail stopped moving then stabbed his back, the blade sticking out of his chest. I screamed and tried to pull his tail out, but I was weak and tired. Estril also tried to help, but the force knocked her out, her body falling to the ground. I was the only one. I looked around franticly, wanting to find the abomination. My tail balanced over my shoulder as my stomach flip-flopped, my breathing quickening and my hearts pounding as I ran in a small circle. The creature laughed again. < Still trying? Poor thing. > The monster came into view, his tall thin body a dark blue and his eyes red and black. His black hands were only three fingered, with long yellow claws that seemed to have their own glow. His head resembled a human light bulb, a hideous smile on his face as his fangs glinted in the sunlight. I shuddered, his ugly eyes focused on me. < You had better run. I’ll give you a head start. > There was a bluff in his voice that I caught quickly, and I huffed softly to myself. I glared, having a dreadful feeling to run and leave my dead family here, but I hated those who bluffed to me. And he would pay. I fought the inkling to flee and dug my hoof down in the snow. < You killed Aximili. You killed him and Estril! I am not running away until you are dead! > The creature laughed, obviously tickled by my emotional cries. < And the humans, you wastrel. And the humans. > I took a step away from him and flared my nostrils. < Fix them. I want them back. I do not want this to happen. > The creature smiled. < Yes, I can fix this. However, I want you. > I shuddered. Did he want what Visser wanted? Nobody could miss the fact that my bulged abdomen stood out from the rest of my frail body. < What? Want me for what? > The monster glared. < I will revive your friends if you come with me. > I looked to Aximili, not wanting to leave him. But he is dead now. How could I care for something dead? < How long? How long will I have to be with you? > His eyes glowed with excitement as he spoke. < Forever. > I shifted my weight uncomfortably. My life for Aximili’s, which seemed like a good deal. But… I am two bodies, for I could not forget Aximili’s offspring. The child created by human liquor. How could Aximili care about a child that was really not his? I shuffled my hooves lightly and glowered at the mysterious being. < I want to see them live, now. > The creature rolled his eyes and nodded. One by one, they stood up and sent perplexed looks at me. Aximili and Estril were the last ones to awaken. Aximili clenched his hands. < Stay away from her, monster! > The creature laughed, Aximili glare sending horrible shivers down my spine. < Her life for yours. She comes with me and you get to live. > Aximili looked me in the eyes. I gave him a small smile. < Yes, it is true. > Aximili reached for me and tried to grab me. I felt myself shimmer and disappear. The small concrete box held me in, only one wall made of bars, the floor made of grass. I did not know where I was, just a lone ship with no name, a small ship with an oval hull, only one large engine, and pointed wings sharp enough to pierce even the toughest and thickest steel. I missed my family and friends dearly, wondering what they were doing every second of every day. Nine months have gone by on earth, myself getting gaining weight and becoming much more restless. Every two weeks, a month on earth, one of the creature’s minions would tell me about how my family was, another deal we made when I threatened to kill myself. Of course, I would not do it, but when I told him I would and gave him a demonstration by loping off two of my fingers. Nothing new today, I thought as a horrid yellow monster poked and prodded at me, taking my blood and making incisions on my arms. I refused for them to touch my stomach, so they did not know I was expecting a child fairly soon. I watched the other yellow creatures punching buttons and controlling the ship. The holograms showed the outside space, many stars going by. I curdled my arms around the thick metal bars after the creatures left me, thinking about Aximili and Estril. I sighed and pressed my hot head onto the cold bars, sending a shiver down my back. So cold, so cold was this place, making my hearts bleed for home. I wanted to cry, but I could not morph human and cry, so I just cried in my hearts like any normal Andalite. Maybe I should just sleep and then wait until the lights were low and-. The emergency red lights flashed, the monsters screaming in their funny language and pushing buttons. I was stunned, shudders racing down my spine. I cried out as the ship jerked and I fell on my side, quickly trying to get back on my hooves. I heard some kind of weapon shooting, the air filling with heat. They unleashed an amazing amount of power, and I was afraid they were Dracon beams handled by the Yeerks. So dreaded the worst and tried to hide. Many monsters died at the controls. I hid in the corner on my side, not wanting to find out who was shooting. I closed all my eyes and waited for someone to notice the big cage in the middle of the room. And to dispose of my pitiful life. < Room secure, go go go! > I heard the clatter of hooves on the metal floor, dancing around the cage to look in the bars. < A female! Captain, female aboard! > I heard soft beeping and then a small explosion, then someone stepping inside. < Are you okay? > I lightly nodded and let my eyes slowly open. Two Andalite males pulled me up. One groaned with effort. < Captain, female! Captain? > I stood up on my own and backed farther into the corner, quivering out of pure fear. They could be Controllers, or allies of the dark blue monster that almost killed my family. The males glanced at each other and asked what I was doing here. I stayed quiet, hoping they would just take me home. I could tell they felt pity for me as they escorted me to the Andalite fighter. They let me stand around while they got ready to blast off. < Where is the captain? > I asked the question as they quickly began to press buttons. One male swerved his eyestalks to me and glared. < Be quiet. > That shut me up as I stood to the back wall, thinking about Aximili. The biggest male noticed my far-away expression and eased away from the controls to comfort me. < We will take you back to wherever you came from after we get to the Dome ship and report this to the Council of Thirteen. > I gripped his hands and pulled his face close to mine. < No, we are getting to earth now. I have to! I need to help my family and... > I stopped, noticing the dark killing look in the male's eyes and the fact that I only cause trouble for the Animorphs. And the Dome ship was my home at one time. < Tell them, go ahead. Go ahead. > The male pulled away from me and started to fool with knobs and buttons, telling the computer to depart from the ship and go to Maximum Burn towards the Dome ship. I decided to explore if they would ignore me. I noticed only one of the quarters had a door that was slightly burnt. I requested softly for the door to open. The gray doors squeaked as they slowly opened. I gasped as I gazed at the gore on the floor, many yellow bodies thrown on the floor. The body that caught my eyes was the Andalite body that was draped over the floor in the middle of the large room, a large hole in his chest and an arm sticking out holding one of his hearts. It was still pumping black and blue blood madly. I stumbled out of the room and gripped the small male's shoulder. < Y-y-your captain. In his quarters, dead. > The biggest male glanced at me, at first alarmed, and then sighed. < Might as well relive her of her troubles. Computer, autopilot. > The ship shifted as it changed, the biggest male walking to his captain's quarters. He walked back and nodded, confirming my sight. The smallest male refused to look, replying was slightly squeamish. Some warrior, I wanted to say but I held my manners and sighed heavily. The biggest male glanced at me. < Do you know anything about his death? > I shook my head, and he gave me a weird look. < No, I did not do anything to him. > The big male closed his eyes for a brief moment. I shuddered and instantly wished Aximili was here to wash away the picture in my head of the captain. I let the small male's shoulder go and started to rub my hands together nervously. < I need to get to earth. Quickly. > The biggest male bowed. < Yes, captain. > He smiled as the small male's eyes grew wide. < But… But Tisso, she cannot be captain! You are to be captain, not this female! We just picked her up from an enemy ship, and you want her to be our captain?! > Tisso, or the large male, glared at him. < I told you, do not call me that. It is Orcim, captain, Tisso-Orcim-Hijjn. > I bowed also and told him to get to earth quickly. I tried to gather the time I had before my child will be born. I spent nine human months on the unknown ship, so I have... how many months are there in a human year? Yes, twelve. Only three months. I turned to the small male and asked his name. His stalk eyes turned to me and glared, but he had no choice but to answer to his captain. < Faniffoy-Rhuylio-Paghtya. > I thanked him. I watched Orcim as he piloted the ship to earth. < How long will it be until we arrive on earth? > Orcim shifted his weight. < About a year. If we go at this speed, the same time will pass on earth. Why do you have to get to earth so badly? > I was about to yell at him, but I sighed. < Another Andalite on earth. My mate. I cannot leave him for long, and I cannot... > I stopped there, not wanting to explain my whole life to some male who had just picked me up from a nameless spacecraft. Orcim stared at me, his stalk eyes watching the outside picture of space. < Cannot what? I shall help you anyway I can. > I saw Faniffoy roll his eyes and softly mock him. I laughed and privately conversed with Orcim. < Could you hold on for a second? > He looked confused, his main eyes staring at me while his stalk eyes swerved to Faniffoy. He chuckled and let me pass him. I smiled at Faniffoy. His eyes widened then he started to turn crimson red on his cheeks. I ran a hand down his back. I felt him shudder and sigh. His eyes closed and his stalk eyes focused on the screen. < Unknown ship approaching. > I quickly turned my attention to the screen. Yes, ships stalked our small Andalite fighter, smaller images of the ship I was held captive upon with much less sharper wing tips. I shuddered and demands started to flow from my head. < Go to Slow burn, charge the weapons. > The males rushed around, Faniffoy controlling the weapons and Orcim at the speed controls. I felt the ship slow down. < Good, good. > Orcim swerved his eyestalks to me in the back of the room and laughed. < Yes, you had better calm down, captain, not to be dishonored, but calm down before you go mad with power. > I nodded and stepped up beside him. < I am just nervous. > Orcim patted my shoulder. < Who is not? Is this your first space battle? > I nodded and shuddered as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I have been in more I could imagine, but I did not want to tell them this information. I sighed and let Orcim go, stepping up to the control board for just a second. I wanted to know everything about my ship since I am the captain. Then I had a horrible urge to run, my child squirming roughly. I sighed and shrugged it off. < Orcim, show me the basics of this ship. > Orcim slightly smiled and positioned his hands over the controls. < I will be glad to show you. Of course, after we escape from the ship. > The unknown craft came quickly, making everyone on the ship nervous. Faniffoy broke a long uncomfortable silence. < Captain, excuse me, but what is your name? Just to be breaking the silence. > I forgave him. < It is alright, and I agree. My name is Zizih-Zittiu-Jevirkcor. > Faniffoy nodded and asked me what I was doing on earth. < Well, I was taken by the Yeerks more than two years ago from a ship that was filled with vecols and other sickly Andalites. I had a small illness that was not to bad, but they told me to get aboard. They took me away from the ship, along with four other female Andalites. The four males ended up being Controllers. Visser decided to… well... I will leave that part out. The ship I was on crashed and burned, but they kept me in a cage in the Yeerk pool facility. They were letting me out every day to feed, not wanting me to die. The other females killed themselves, but I wanted to live. I knew that I had some other purpose in life. One day I broke out and acquired a human female. I ran to the closest building and tried to announced my capture as two human Controllers took me away, throwing me in a human vehicle, and taking me to another building. The Andalite bandits saved me, and I have been with them since that day. > Orcim patted my back and felt pity for me. Faniffoy just focused on the weapons. < The ship knows we have the captain aboard. > I nodded and started to lean on Orcim. < Good, thank you, Faniffoy. > Orcim slightly sagged, but I tightly wrapped my arms around his upper waist. He was young, but Faniffoy was younger. < What about you? Did you originate from the Andalite home world? > Orcim nodded and smiled. < Yes. Faniffoy is closely related to me. > I nodded and laughed softly to myself. < I knew there was some kind of relation. You both look alike. > Faniffoy and Orcim both blushed deeply, speaking in unison. < Thank you, captain. > They blushed even deeper as I giggled. Faniffoy was right, the blue monster’s minions knew. They tried to shoot us down, but for three long months, we ran from fights, going into Zero space and popping back out close around earth. Wait. Three long months? No. The thought came to mind one day, making me shudder. Orcim looked down at me with his stalk eyes. Orcim and I had grown close, but he still knew nothing about my unborn child. He was like my father, who died soon after my birth. < Is everything all right, captain? > I shook my head. < No, we need to get to earth. Quickly. I do not care if the Yeerks or the unknown ships find us. We... I need to get to earth. > Orcim searched for the quickest route to earth as I looked around the room, as if waiting for something. I was ready for any sign that the Yeerks or the ships would be following us. I shifted my weight and stepped closer to Orcim. Orcim cheered as he found out we were only a few days away from earth. I thanked him for his troubles and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I wrapped my arms around his upper waist as the child gave a hard movement. I sighed and watched the space outside, feeling somehow sick and light-headed. < No, please, no! Not now! > A large black ship appeared in front of our small fighter, but it was not Visser’s Blade ship. The body of the ship was an oval, and the wings sharp points like daggers. Orcim cursed and got ready to go into Zero space. I sat back and watched as he yelled commands at the computer, then a small shake as the ship slipped into a pure white space, making me feel closed in. My offspring moved uncomfortably. I clenched my hands and closed my main eyes, straining myself not to make a sound. < Are you okay, captain? > I shifted my stalk eyes to the left to meet Orcim's. His eyes were worried, a shine in his green eyes. He looks so much like my father, I thought as I answered in a solemn yes. < Get ready to go. We are as close to earth as we can get. > Faniffoy announced, the ship giving a shake, then the white background gave away to black, the stars shining bright. I sighed happily as the blue and green planet came into sight. I gave Orcim the precise location where Cassie's barn was. He smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I rested my head on his chest and sighed again. The ship was cloaked as we got into atmosphere. < Right there, behind the big red building. > He landed right behind the barn. I thanked him, hoping they would life a happy life, for they deserved it. I quickly pressed the buttons beside the door and the bridge laid down in the dead leaves of fall. I ran as the door slid back up to the ship and the ship disappeared from sight as it buzzed out of the atmosphere. I opened the barn door, calling Cassie's name as I opened the door connecting to the house. Cassie and Jake glanced up from their game of cards and smiled. Cassie laughed. " Estril, when to you acquire your mother? " I shook my head and gripped onto the doorway as a wave of discomfort shifted through my body, but it was much more demanding. I groaned and began to breathe heavily. < No, no, it is me, Zizih! Cassie, where is Aximili? > Cassie’s face turned hard as she glared at me. " You know where your father is! Don't go running in there acting like your mother, cause Ax will be really mad." I yelled at her. < Where! I am not Estril, you stupid human! > Cassie began to yell at me, but Jake stopped her by holding his hand up and stared at me. " Cassie, I think this is Zizih. Estril's out with Rachel and Tobias again. " Cassie gasped and got up from the table and grabbed my arm. " I'm so sorry! Come on, I'll show ya. " She led me into the barn and stopped me just outside a stall door. " Don't act surprised. Ax has been worried sick about you, literally. He stopped eating, so now he has a feeding tube. Don't act surprised. " She opened the door and led me inside. " Ax, you have a visitor. " I saw the cubed machine at first, a small tan machine that had a tube running from the cube to Aximili's stomach. His main eyes read a book while his stalk eyes turned to me. < Stop it, Estril. It is not helping at all. > I stepped up beside him and wrapped my arms around his waist. < I have missed you so much, my Aximili. > He glared at me and his tail twitched. < I said stop, Estril. > It was as if his thoughts had darkened while I was gone. I tried to think of something that would make him know it was me. I let go of his waist and stepped in front of him, smiling. He was focused on his book, but his stalk eyes kept staring at me with a glare. I knocked the book away from his tensed hands and wrapped my arms around his upper waist. I listened to his hearts beat, the sound so pleasurable that a shudder ran through my body. < My Aximili, please, please, I never meant to leave you! It was for your life, our child’s life. > He was the one that cried, wrapping his arms around me, sobbing hysterically. His chest shuddered with every breath as he repeated my name, myself telling him I was here, and that I would never leave him again. I told him about my trip, telling him that I was captain of an Andalite fighter. He smiled at the sound of an Andalite fighter landing on earth. Cassie smiled and laughed. " I say we should celebrate. How about some food at the mall if Zizih's feeling at home? " Aximili smiled and looked down at me. I nodded and he hugged me tighter, making me feel like I was never going to leave Aximili's side. The mall made me feel joyful, telling me that other people actually exist. I cuddled close to Aximili, gripping onto his arm, not wanting to let him go. I believe our connection strengthened between us that day, that minute, that second I got off the fighter and ran to him. I sat down at the normal table with Aximili while Cassie got some dairy treat called ice cream. My child seemed calmer, only giving me soft movements, so I forgot about that and stuck close to my beloved Aximili. I let my head lay on his shoulder, whispering to him. " Did you miss me enough to starve? " He nodded, and whispered softly that made my body tighten and shudder. " Yes, I missed you enough to starve, and I would do it again to be with you. " I tried to whisper another question in his ear, but something began to choke me. I gurgled, pulling at nothing but air around my neck. Nothing was there. I was pushed back, my chair falling with a loud bash. Aximili looked down and cursed, reaching down for me quickly. He was too slow, my body flying up in midair. My back hit the ceiling, the glass cracked under the pressure. Aximili glared, not knowing what to do, and I swear there was tears in her eyes. I kept trying to grab at the thing at my throat, but my human hands felt and caught nothing. My body was jerked around again, this time towards the hard marble floor of the mall. Aximili stood under me, his hands up, ready to catch me, but his fingers barely brushed me as I was jerked to the left, my back heading for the wall. I was slammed into the wall with hundreds of pounds of weight pushed on me. I could not whimper, I could not scream, I could only let the pressure increase. The blackness came slowly, letting me see Aximili run to me and many humans pull out small phones. " Zizih, please, please wake up. " I felt someone grab my hand affectionately and squeeze it tightly, bringing it up to his or her face to wipe the tears away. I smiled, knowing who it was, and I whispered his name. " Aximili, I am awake. " I opened my eyes, his face full of worry and his eyes red rimmed from crying. Seeing his tears made me feel special, knowing he cared. We sat in a small cramped room, the hot air smelling of antiseptic. The walls white, a television in the right corner, and many beeping machines around me, lying in an uncomfortable bed with metal handrails on each side. I tensed up, afraid. " Aximili, where am I? " Aximili frowned and laid my hand on my cheek. " A health center for humans. Everyone in the mall called this place and told them what they saw. " He smiled. " Forty percent are telling them they just saw you fall back in your chair, but the other sixty percent say they saw you fly around then your body hit the wall. " I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. " I want out of here now. I do not like it here. " He started to protest as I sat up. I cried out in pain as the machines started to bleep loudly. I leaned back down to the bed and wrapped my arms around my thick belly, a long groan escaping my gaping lips. I heard the door open and a soft bleep as the machines quieted. " Are you okay, Wendy? " Aximili answered from me. " Yes, she is just nervous. A false alarm. " The male walked over and patted my shoulder. I glanced up to look him in the face. He had a soft face, a friendly smiled played across his face, his skin like Cassie's, his long white coat flew behind him when he walked. " Sir, I think Wendy can tell me that she is okay. " Aximili showed surprise on his face, then anger when the male focused his attention on me. " Are you okay? Why did the machines go off? " I smiled, a weak smile. My name was not Wendy, but I guess it was short term. " I-I am fine. I do not know why. I am not from here. " Aximili mumbled something. I squeezed his hand and smiled. The male smiled wider. " Well, I'll be back. If you need me, just press this button. " He pointed towards a black button on the wall and walked out the door. Aximili stood up instantly and walked to the machines, squatted down, and pulled the a plug. The machines grew silent, and I sat up and unhooked wires that were connected to my body. I had to work slowly, my child enraged at every fast movement. Aximili demorphed after locking the door and setting the chair under the handle, opened the window, and started to turn pink, feathers poking up from his skin as he started to diminish. " The kaffit bird? When did you- " He cut me off. < Hurry, get on my back. > I started to get up, but I quickly laid back when the pain washed over me. I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from screaming. < Get up; I do not like this place. Hurry. > He ruffled his feathers and jumped up in the window. I slowly got to my feet and stumbled over to the window. A small knock on the door scared me. The knob jiggled, but the door was locked. I heard the male in the white coat swear and a metal clinging together. Aximili bent low, insisting I jumped on his back. The handle jumped as it unlocked, then the chair blocked it from opening. The male banged on the door and told us to open up. Aximili cursed and told me to get on. I slowly grabbed his wings, trying to ignore the height of the building. He let a small chirp escape his beak before letting the window go and flying out the window. He sighed, myself gripping him tightly. < How are you? > I answered him in thought speak. < Fine, just hurry to Cassie's barn. Are you sure you can carry me? > Aximili sighed and flapped softly. < Yes, do not worry. The kaffit bird is quite strong. > He flew in a large circle, his bird eyes scanning the city. < Um, where is Cassie’s home again? > A wave of fear and pain flashed over me. < You do not know where it is?! > I yelled, and then cried out in pain again, gripping onto him tightly. Aximili tried to lighten things up. < At least it cannot get any worse. > I felt a soft plop on my nose as a fat snowflake made my nose wet. < Yes, it can, Aximili. It can happen. Snow can happen. > To Be Continued...