You're a God By Marco contact: I've got to be honest I think you know We're covered in lies and that is okay There is somewhere beyond this I know But I hope I can find the words to say Never again No never again Hell-o there I'm Marco. Yeah, yeah, funny, little Marco. Whatever. Well it's a couple weeks since the flea episode and I'm still shivering. Okay I admit it, Jake is very lucky. Oh yes, very lucky. You see, if Cassie wasn't there, I would have been some half-flea-half-human muntant. Then no more movies at the cineplex, no more babes, and my dad crying at two graves. I so don't want that to happen.I think of Cassie as my god. I rely on her. A sequel thats is gonna longer later- Marco 'Cause you're a God And I am not And I just thought That you would know You're a god And I am not And I just thought I'd let you go